The Road is Long………………

by | Jan 2021

I met Eduardo Pastor, or as I like to call him Eddie Shephard, via the Workaway scheme ( where travellers offer services in exchange for food and a bed. I’ve been a host for the scheme for quite a while and have had several guests helping me with projects over the years. From completely decorating the entire house, ceilings and all, to more recently the rebuilding and strengthening  of 200 meters of drystone wall adding a rustic style sheep fence on top. It’s a great way to get help on big jobs that I know I can do myself but just seem too daunting to tackle on my own. Its also nice to meet new people from random backgrounds and learn from each other on all manner of topics whilst sharing the cooking and chores.

Amongst the many skills Edu has to offer he is a digital nomad at heart specialising in web site development. Having set off from his home in Alicante he was planning on circumnavigating the entire Iberian Peninsula by bicycle over the course of a year or more. Travelling and working along the way, deciding each day which direction tomorrow may take is something that resonates with me and reminded me of my younger days when at the age of twenty three I’d quit my job, sold all I owned and headed off to France in a VW Combi with no intention of returning but not quite really knowing where I was heading. The feeling of freedom and lightness was intense and just what I had needed at that stage of my life but that’s for another blog maybe?

Having been on the road for over two months Edu was in need of an extended stop, both to catch up with some web projects but also as fate would have it, to find a solution for his rear wheel which had decided it had had enough of the daily pounding. I had been thinking for some time on whether I should create a web site and shop however had no intention to actually do anything. Edu contacted me out of the blue looking for a safe place with good internet to hang out for a few weeks to ensure he could deliver on his promised deadlines to clients. It turns out travelling by bicycle and wild camping has many positives but it doesn’t leave much time or opportunity to be online.

Initially he had asked to help with the fencing and walls however once I saw his profile it seemed too good an opportunity to miss. So after a few calls to discuss our mutual needs we agreed it was a good match and I’m happy to say you are reading this latest blog thanks to his skill and professionalism in bringing our random ideas to life……………..and so it was born web site and online store.

Gracias Edu, both for your expertise and drive and for keeping me focused to get the job done (no mean feat) but also for your company, the conversations, the music and for reminding me of whats important in life – oh and a special thanks for the Broccoli Pasta recipe – me gusta mucho.

Follow his travels on instagram @seguimosruta and for work projects


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