Germano BiciArte Cafe in Alte has to be one of my favourite places to sit and watch the world go by whilst supping a coffee. A small, very small, artisanal style cafe offering a simple but imaginative menu of tapas, acting as a beacon for Portugals cyclists, whilst passionatley promoting something close to my heart – sustainability
The Germano brand arose in honour of Pedro´s Great Grandfather of the same name, a popular and wise man born and raised in the village of Alte in southern Portugal, who around 1930 initially started the bicycle and repair shop.
As well as delicious food and drink, most local and artisanal, Germano also offers ecologic products and supports projects for transformation, conservation and heathy living, thus stimulating concious trade with the environment at the heart of all it does. Offering articles made mostly form recycled materials, restoring what is old as well as reutilizing waste materials such as plastic bottles, cardboard rolls and paper as packaging and marketing materials they seek to innovate and encourage people to apply the concept of the 3R´s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) whilst also promoting active sport and healthy eating.
Now it just so happens that Germano´s brand logo is a barcode so it didnt take much imagination to come up with the idea of recreating it as a Barcode Secrets art piece. Measuring 126cm long by 43 cm wide the picture denotes the brand name Germano when scanned with a barcode phone app and has joined the many other sustainable items on display in the cafe, so why note pop along and have a look, enjoy the delicious food and drink whilst browsing the shop or even having your bicycle serviced – oh and dont forget to pick up one of my buisness cards whilst you are there ;).